One of the fun things we can do with seashells is to use them to practice studying patterns in nature.
MoreMake a Spider Pizza
You can make a really cool Black-Widow-looking spider out of black olives, so making these simple and tasty personal pizzas is a great way to learn some spider anatomy. You
MoreJoin the Launch Team for “Spiderwebs and Spider Silk”
Please join the LAUNCH TEAM for Grandma Nae’s First published children’s book!
MoreGaGa Sisterhood – Ideas for Sharing
The GaGa Sisterhood is a bi-monthly gathering of Grandmas hosted by Donne Davis. We shared some of our favorite play ideas together.
MoreGardens Newsletter: Fun Garden-Themed Playdates
Getting Your Hands Dirty Was Never So Fun! We’ve crafted seven fun garden-themed playdates for you to enjoy with your grandkids this summer, and you can do them together even
MoreRaraPaLooZa 2022 – Kids’ Campout
RaRaPaLooZa is an annual overnight adventure with my grandchildren. It’s exhausting and crazy and ridiculous and worth every minute.
MoreThree Great Volcano Books for Young Kids
text” to teach without being visually overwhelming.
MoreBuild a Sand Volcano
The fun in this sand volcano project wasn’t in the splashy climax of the eruption. It was in the hands-on creation of the volcano itself. You’ll probably have everything you
MoreModel Volcano: Fun STEAM Learning for Grandchildren
A baking soda and vinegar volcano is almost a childhood rite of passage. Here’s why I think you should build one with your grandchildren…
MoreVolcano Outing: 5 Fun Ways to Experience Volcanoes
There are hundreds of volcanic formations worldwide to visit and study, but if you don’t happen to live within driving distance of a volcano, there are still a lot of fun ways to explore.
Extended Family Vacation Tips and Tricks
Our Extended Family Vacation is an important way of creating and maintaining connection, and Grandpa Garth and I made a decision as young parents, and then again as grandparents, that