Popcorn Bingo and a picture book about popcorn will turn your next grandparent FaceTime call into an adventure full of giggles and memories. Set up a time for a call with a grandparent or another beloved adult and watch the magic happen!
- Popcorn, by Frank Asche
- A package of microwave popcorn (use for Popcorn Bingo card markers and for snacking while you chat)
- Popcorn Bingo ($2 digital download) – Print 2 copies on heavy cardstock: One for yourself and one for your Playdatebox buddy
- “What’s in the Box?” graphic (Download and print this graphic. Add it to the box to make it look like you really slaved away on this).
You’ll enjoy three super simple activities as part of this call:
- Read “Popcorn” by Frank Asch. This is a delightful book about a bear who hosts a Halloween party. Each of his guests brings some popcorn to pop, and guess what happens when bear decides to pop everyone’s popcorn all at once? Full of giggles and perfect for little people at bedtime.
- Try playing Popcorn Bingo together. Grandma and Grandpa can print out their own cards, and you’ll print more to use on your end of the call. A single Popcorn Bingo purchase is for family use and may be shared. Use popped popcorn for markers and match up simple colors, shapes, letters and numbers. Perfect for non-readers.
- If there’s time, have grandparents describe how they made popcorn waaaay back in the olden days when microwave ovens hadn’t been invented yet.
If your little one’s attention span is too short for all three activities, just break them up into separate calls. Most preschoolers have an attention span of 5-8 minutes.
How to Play Popcorn Bingo
Download a copy of Popcorn Bingo ($2 digital download) to go in your preschooler’s Playdatebox. Cut the playing cards along the solid black lines and place the cards into a small bowl or cup. Distribute Bingo cards to each player. One at a time, remove a card from your bowl and place a popcorn marker on top of the matching symbol. As soon as you get five in a row, shout BINGO! You are the winner !
Teach simple colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. Make sure everyone gets to eat their own popcorn markers once the game ends.
Need ideas for Popcorn Playdates for older children? Just click the desired age group below:
Popcorn Playdate for ages 6-12 (including early readers)
Popcorn Playdate for grandchildren ages 12+
Please share your ideas with us for favorite FaceTime activities you enjoy when you are connecting virtually with grandparents! Just add your ideas in the comments below.