

Let’s Have a Popcorn Playdate!

This Popcorn Playdatebox might be just the thing you need if:

  1. You can nuke a pretty mean batch of microwave popcorn
  2. You are a grandparent or a grandchild
  3. The grandparents or grandchildren you want to connect with live far away, and you miss them. A lot.

We’ll walk you through how to build a box you can use to “upscale” that FaceTime call! A Playdatebox creates family connection through play.

Mix and match supplies in your box to meet your family’s needs, but it’s important to have supplies at both locations (Grandparents’ house and grandchildrens’ house).

Every video call Playdate begins with three parts: A book, an activity, and a question. Adding these elements to a call will upscale the fun in your FaceTime, Zoom, and Google Duo conversations with grandchildren. 

Hover over the age group listing for your child to jump to the Popcorn Playdatebox ideas for each age group.

Gather Your Popcorn Playdatebox Supplies

Here’s how a simple Playdatebox works: You gather age-appropriate supplies (we’ve provided lots of links in the supply list below), pack them up in a box, and send them off to your playdate buddy.

Around here, we ship Playdateboxes to the grandchildren. But there’s no reason the giving can’t work the other way around. You could easily gift a Playdatebox to a doting grandfather, a favorite aunt, or a military parent who is far from home. Just remember to gather some matching supplies for yourself! Where possible, use a laptop or a phone tripod for hands-free conversations.

Here’s one box I packed up for my grandchildren by picking and choosing from the supply lists below. I’ll alter the contents of each package based on the number of grandchildren in the home. I look for age-appropriate activities and I try to opt for things that won’t be a “clutter hazard” after we’ve finished playing. 

How Does a Virtual Call Playdate Work?

A virtual playdate is a little different from an in-person experience. But you’ll know you have succeeded when one of your grandchildren says, “Grandma I feel like I’m at your house right now!” When you are participating in a similar activity, the screens between you melt away, and it is almost as if you are in the same room. You have to settle for virtual hugs, but when you are experiencing play like this TOGETHERthe connections can happen just as if you were side-by-side.

Head to our supply list and choose a few items that might work for your first virtual call Playdate:

What if My Grandkids Are Nearby?

Of course, in-person playdates are still fun too. You can build a playdatebox of supplies to pull out next time the grandchildren visit. It’s ready-made playtime, boxed up and ready to go!

Popcorn Playdatebox Supply List:

These supplies may not be age-appropriate for every age group. Use your judgment to choose supplies that will meet your family’s needs.

Sample Preschool Box

The preschool edition of the Popcorn Playdatebox is available in our Etsy store if you prefer to purchase a ready-to-ship Playdate.

Sample Box for Older Children

Print the postcard and recipe card on heavy cardstock. You can mail the postcard as an “announcement” and schedule your playdate for a time that will work well for everyone’s schedules. The recipe for the Caramel Popcorn is included.